In today’s industrial landscape, energy consumption constitutes a major portion of a company’s operational expenses. As a result, finding ways to reduce energy costs is crucial for businesses to improve their profitability. Industrial units can reduce energy expenses and contribute to sustainability by implementing measures to minimise energy usage. Here are 10 effective tips for optimising efficiency.

1. Conduct an Energy Audit

Firstly, it is highly recommended to perform a thorough energy audit of the industrial facility. This audit helps identify areas where energy is being consumed excessively or inefficiently. By comprehending usage patterns and inefficiencies, we can decide what to improve and create a good plan to save energy effectively.

2. Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Equipment

One way to save energy is by upgrading old or outdated machinery and equipment with energy-efficient alternatives. Modern machinery is equipped with advanced technology that can minimise energy consumption while maintaining productivity. Here we have listed two examples of how you can upgrade your equipment.

Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs)

These devices control the speed and torque of an electric motor, allowing it to operate at optimal levels based on actual needs. Unlike traditional fixed-speed motors, VFDs adjust the motor speed to match the required workload, resulting in substantial energy savings. This adaptability ensures that energy is used only when necessary, making the overall system more efficient.

High-Efficiency Motors

Upgrading to high-efficiency motors is a smart investment for any business seeking to cut energy costs. These motors convert a higher percentage of electrical input into useful mechanical output, minimising wasted energy. While the initial investment may seem daunting, the long-term savings and improved performance make high-efficiency motors a cost-effective choice. 

3. Implement Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance and servicing of machinery and equipment is essential. Properly maintained equipment operates more efficiently, which reduces energy waste. To ensure optimal performance, a maintenance schedule should be developed to inspect and tune machinery. Simple tasks like cleaning or lubricating machinery can significantly enhance efficiency.

4. Optimise Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are responsible for consuming a significant amount of energy in industrial units. It is recommended to take certain measures, such as installing programmable thermostats, using energy-efficient HVAC units, and ensuring proper insulation and sealing of ducts and spaces, to minimise heat loss or gain.

5. Embrace Renewable Energy Sources

Consider incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbines, or geothermal systems into the industrial unit to provide sustainable energy alternatives. This will reduce dependence on traditional energy sources and lower overall energy expenses in the long run.

6. Implement Energy-Saving Industrial Lighting 

Upgrade your lighting to energy-efficient solutions like LED bulbs to cut down on electricity use and make your fixtures last longer. Adding motion sensors and timers in less frequently used areas is an extra smart move, automatically turning off lights when they’re not needed. 

Energy saving warehouse lighting, especially LED bulbs, are game-changers for saving energy and money. Traditional bulbs are not only less efficient but also generate more heat. Making the switch creates a brighter, more comfortable energy saving warehouse while significantly reducing energy consumption. It’s like giving your space a sustainable and cost-effective makeover!

7. Opt for Energy Management Systems

Investing in energy management systems (EMS) or building automation systems (BAS) can monitor and control energy usage in real-time. These systems offer insights into energy consumption patterns, enabling proactive adjustments to optimise usage and identify areas for improvement. We highlighted some key features of EMS.

  • Control and automation: This enables the management of energy-consuming devices, adjusting systems like HVAC and lighting based on real-time data. With robust data analysis, EMS identifies trends and patterns from historical and real-time data, facilitating informed decisions for optimising energy efficiency.
  • Reporting tools and visualisation dashboards: These features present energy data in a user-friendly format, helping stakeholders understand usage trends and assess the impact of energy-saving measures.
  • Alerts and notifications: Proactive management is supported by alert systems, which notify users of abnormal consumption or areas for improvement.
  • Integration with other systems: EMS often works seamlessly with other systems, like Building Automation Systems (BAS), for comprehensive control and coordination of energy-related activities.

8. Educate and Involve Employees

Employee engagement plays a crucial role in achieving energy efficiency goals. Don’t forget to educate the staff about energy-saving practices and encourage them to participate in identifying areas where energy can be saved. Simple actions like turning off equipment when not in use or reporting energy inefficiencies can collectively make a significant impact.

9. Implement Energy-Efficient Practices

Adopting energy-efficient practices to reduce energy consumption can be achieved by the following tasks: For example, scheduling energy-intensive tasks during off-peak hours, optimising production processes, and sticking to energy-saving habits every day. These steps not only help save energy but also keep costs down.

10. Monitor and Evaluate Regularly

It is important to continuously monitor and evaluate energy-saving initiatives. This can be done by tracking energy usage data, analysing results, and making necessary adjustments to improve efficiency further. By conducting regular assessments, new opportunities for energy conservation and cost reduction can be identified.

To reduce energy costs in an industrial unit, a comprehensive approach is required that involves upgrading technology, adopting efficient practices, engaging employees, and continuously evaluating progress. By following these tips, industrial units can not only save on energy expenses but also contribute to a more sustainable future.

Other Cost Considerations

There are other cost considerations when you are looking for an industrial unit which includes your commercial property insurance obligations. Read our handy guide to renting an industrial unit for more information or contact us at  0800 122 3330 or email us at